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Are you wondering if Christian dating is a thing? Is it even allowed and considered acceptable? Let’s all get to know by reading the information mentioned below.
Recommended Christian Dating Sites
After vetting hundreds of dating sites for Christians, we have compiled a list of our recommended dating sites that have a large number of Christian members. The sites also have great methods for protecting against scammers. Check out and try our recommended sites below:
Who Knows Of A Legit Christian Dating Site In Us 2020
One of the best things about joining Christian Dating sites is that most of them have discussion boards where you and the other members can talk almost about everything. Some of the usual topics that are being discussed in the dating forum are current events, church life, and as well as their dating experiences from online Christian dating websites today. Of course, they also talk about their experiences from an actual dating scene.
What is Christian Dating
Just like any other dating websites, Christian dating is all about finding someone who has the same beliefs as you. There are many single Christians out there who are looking for long-term commitment but has had no luck due to the busy world that we all live in. Fortunately, the dating scene has already evolved, and this includes the way people meet their parters. Some may say that it is unchristianly to meet someone online but we now live in the modern world, and nothing is impossible. One of the best things about joining a Christian dating site is that you can get to talk about the same things, while there are also a lot of different things that you and your future partner can talk about.
Christian Dating Tips and Rules
Here are some things that you need to know when joining a Christian dating site. Follow these tips and you will surely find your one true love.
Avoid “The One”
I am not saying that “the one” is not true but you should stop looking for that. Stop asking when you will meet him or her, because the truth is, “The One” may not really exist. Yes, dating can be fun, and people may think of every individual that they are dating is their “The One.” Unfortunately, that actually may not be possible. Usually, people consider their “the one” as someone with whom they are very much compatible with. But the truth is, it is all about being committed despite the difficulties and differences. If you like that person, you need to accept that person for who they are no matter what.
Put The Lord In The Center
This is considered as the most important rule when it comes to dating as an individual who is a Christian. If you don’t put the Lord at the center, that simply means that you will never truly be able to love anyone else. The same goes with your partner, if she doesn’t love the Lord, then her loving you is quite impossible. Based on the Christians, the first step when it comes to dating is a person’s faith when it comes to his or her beliefs. Devoting your mind and soul in the Lord is essential. If an individual’s mind and heart are not yet ready, then that also means that getting into a relationship is not in their mind yet.
Know Your Christian Values
The next thing that you need to do is to know all the values that you have. This is very essential and should definitely be followed no matter what. Some individuals list down their values, and some of them end up compromising. This is more common when a person is dating a non-Christian. Now, once you have the list, it would be best to avoid being legalistic. I’m not saying that you don’t have to interview the person during your date just to see if they meet all of your lists. The reason behind this is because the list will serve as your framework when it comes to dating.
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Always put in mind to avoid compromising your list just because you are impatient, settling, or being frustrated. If you and your partner have the same list of Christian values, the you don’t have to worry at all because the two of you can definitely work together for you to not compromise the list.
Know Your Direction
Christians know that they should only be with people with whom they want to marrying in the long run. This rule simply means that if you are currently dating, it means that you are planning to marry the person when the right time comes. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you are only allowed to just be with one person. While this is, of course, great, it is not realistic at all. The reason behind this is because there are instances wherein you thought that this individual is already the one you who you want to marry, but once the both of you are in that relationship, you both end up noticing that the both of you won’t actually work out.
Joining Christian Groups
Now, if you still have no Christian group then joining into one would be your best option. If the individual you are dating has a group, then it would be best to join in. The reason behind this is because the group will be the one to give advices about your relationship. Always keep in mind that when you are in a relationship, getting your feelings deceived can become a huge problem. The individuals around you will be the one to see inconsistencies and issues.
There are some individuals are into the relationship who refuse to listen to advice from the people around them. This can definitely lead into a failed relationship, or worse, a failed marriage. So it is best to join a Christian group and make sure that you trust the members in it before you let them help you with your relationship.
Be With Christians
This may sound awful, but it would always be best just to date your fellow Christians. The reason behind this is because you both need to love the Lord, so you have someone at the center of your entire relationship. Christianity will assist you in handling all of your problems that may arise in your relationship. There are Christians who were in a relationship with non-Christians and they end up drifting away from the Lord or from their partner itself. So it is definitely best to be with someone with the same values as you are if you want to avoid problems and such.
These are some of the things that you need to put in mind when it comes to dating as a Christians. So what should you do to have a successful relationship with a person you have just met online? Let’s all find out below.
Don’t Rush Things Up
It would be best to always slow things down first and to avoid rushing into things. And the best way that you can do is to get to know the individual first. Of course, you will also need to let the other individual to get to know you at first. If the person seems to be rushing, you definitely need to analyze the situation if what the other person is feeling is just lust or it’s just in his nature to rush things up.
Growing Your Faith Together
Being a Christian you are probably looking for someone who has godliness traits. But instead, the best thing that you can do is to look in growth in faith. The reason behind this is because there are Christians today who go to church and hear mass every week, but they do not act in a necessary way. There are people who can be lawless, wherein they really don’t have that true faith that they need. So instead of asking the person if he goes to church or read the bible, it would be best to look for the individuals around them. The ones who can speak about their reputations. The essential thing here is to make sure that that he is willing to grow in faith.
Social Media Sites
There are certain people who think that a true Christian will have bible verses posted on their social media walls. But the truth is, not every single person who posts daily Godly quotes mean that they are all true to the faith that they have. Also, since it is quite popular to flirt around in social media sites, it would definitely be best to avoid this kind of interaction. Now, if the two of you are already leading into a deeper level, then maybe, flirting a bit will do. Of course, just don’t overdo it and avoid doing it in public.
Don’t Rush Into Marriage
Yes, you as a Christian definitely value marriage but this doesn’t mean that it should be the topic that comes to your mind immediately. As mentioned, avoid speeding things up. Get to know the individual first. Talk about friendship and see how it will go from there. Usually, it will take months and years before marriage eventually happens. In God’s time and if it is the will of God, then you and that someone will eventually get married and create your own family.
Double Dates
For people who don’t know, they love going on double dates, they love inspirational values in life and sharing thoughts. If you are dating a new guy, it would definitely be best to ask him or her to go with you on double dates. This will assist both of you when it comes to speaking about your relationship. This will also assist you if the individual you are dating is willing to listen to values and advices. If your partner isn’t and refuse to listen at all, then I’m afraid that this kind of relationship may be leading into a failure.
Knowing Your Limits
It would be best to set and know both of your limits. Yes, you both may be dating and getting very serious. But you need to know each of both you your limitations. This doesn’t mean that you need to do everything that a couple does. Of course, you can’t just state out limitations without your partner’s knowledge. The best thing to do is that you both talk about everything so you have a mutual understanding about both of the limitations that you have in mind.
These are all of the things that you need to know if you want to go on and push through with signing up on a Christian dating site. Just be cautious when choosing one, to ensure that you will have a successful experience.
Online Christian Dating Tips
List Your Values
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As you all know, online dating can be confusing and all that. The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that your values will stay the same. Avoid compromising them just for anyone. There will be some people who will try to change your values and see things, but you should never let them change you into something you’re not. List down your values and make sure to stick with them.
Growth In Faith
As a Christian you’re probably looking for someone who has godliness characteristics. But instead, it would be best to look in growth in faith. The reason behind this is because there are Christians today who go to church and hear mass every single week, but they do not act the right way. Some people can be lawless, wherein they really don’t have that genuine faith that they need.
So instead of asking if he goes to church or read the bible, it would be best to look for the people around them. The ones who can speak about their reputations. The important thing here is to make sure that that he is willing to grow in faith.
Don’t Speed Things Up
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Of course, it would be best to slow things down first and to avoid rushing into everything. The best way that you can do is to get to know the person first. Of course, you also need to let the other person to get to know you. If the person seems to be rushing, analyze the situation if what the other person is feeling is just lust or something.
Using Social Media Wisely
Some people think that a true Christian will have bible verses posted on their walls. But the truth is, not everyone who posts daily Godly quotes mean that they are all true to their faith. Also, since it is quite popular to flirt around in social media sites, it would be best to avoid this kind of interaction. But if the two of you are already leading into a more than friendship path, then maybe flirting a little will do. Just don’t overdo it.
Don’t Think of Marriage Right Away
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Yes, you definitely value marriage but this doesn’t mean that it should be the topic that comes to your mind immediately. As mentioned above, don’t speed things up. Get to know the person first. Talk about friendship and see how it will go from there. Typically it will take months and years before marriage happens. In God’s time and if it is the will of God, then you and that someone will eventually get married and create a family.
Go On Group Dates
Christians love going on group dates, they love sharing thoughts and inspirational values in life. If you are dating a new guy, it would be best to ask him if her get go with you on group dates. This will help both of you when it comes to speaking about your relationship. This will also help you if the man you are dating is willing to listen to advices and values. If he isn’t and refuse to listen at all, then I’m afraid that this kind of relationship may be leading into a failure.
Appropriate Physical Expressions
Once you and that someone starts to go on dates alone, physical expression may also start. But before engaging into anything intimate, you both need to be committed with each other. But don’t get me wrong, this also doesn’t mean that you can do anything once both of you are engaged. Always remember that the physical expression should always be in the context of a relationship that is meaningful. It is always not about satisfying each of your personal needs.
Know Your Limits
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Just like the one mentioned above, it would be best to set your limits. Yes, you both may be dating and getting all serious. But you need to know each of both you your limitations. You can’t just state out limitations without your partner’s knowledge. It would be best that you both talk about everything so you have a mutual understanding about both of your limitations.