Dating In Small Towns

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The question in bold is my real question. Maybe she is very kind in general or a small amount of alcohol in the party made her to be kinder with me, but I don't consider the last idea as a strong one to consider she likes me. Anyway, now she is in another city due to work stuff and I won't see her until next Monday. #13 on the list of 'Top 100 cities with the largest percentage of males (pop. 50,000+)' #15 on the list of 'Top 101 cities with the most users submitting photos to our site per 10,000 residents (population 50,000+)' #15 on the list of 'Top 101 cities with the most people born in other U.S. States (population 50,000+)'. Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! Some forums can only be seen by registered members. After you create your account, you'll be able to customize options and access all our 15,000 new posts/day with fewer ads. Jan 18, 2009 I think a town that's too small can be a big problem, but I'm not so sure Rapid City is too small. You'll probably meet about as many people in a small city as you would in a larger one, so having an extra 3,935,000 people around you that you'll never meet isn't likely to make much difference except create all kinds of pollution and heavy traffic.

Dating In Small Towns Online

Yesterday, 10:41 PM
2,709 posts, read 1,037,327 times
Originally Posted by GoAmericaGo
So I was talking with a woman and the issue of race came up.
She told me she (she’s the same race as me) was married to a Hispanic man and I said ok that’s cool. Somehow we kept talking and I said that I would prefer for my child to marry someone within my race and my child’s race.. She then proceeded to say I was small town, ignorant and closed minded.
To that I just responded that perhaps she is closed minded if she can’t accept that people have their own unique preferences. I don’t at all fault say black people that say “black is beautiful” or if they say “I’m looking for my black queen” or whatever. I also don’t fault say Japan for being 99% Japanese — it’s whatever to me. I also don’t fault people that are open to two or theree or all races.
So who’s right here? Me for having my preference or her for calling me closed minded and ignorant?
If we look at the country as a whole, it does seem that most people do have a preference even if they don’t admit it. Only what — 10-15% of people identify as mixed race? That means at least 90 or percent marry and have children that look very similar to themselves and their ancestors, right?

You are behind the times. Massively behind the times.
Today it is very 'in' to date/marry someone of a different race. Millenials and later are actually under some pressure to show how 'racist they aren't' by dating/marrying interracially. In other words, young people today who date/marry within their race are automatically seen as somewhat racist.
The pressure on young people today is to date/marry interracially to 'prove' they are not racists. It is a social faux pax to date/marry within your race today.

Dating In Small Towns 2017

Small towns pictures

Small Towns Game

Yesterday, 08:26 PM
5,095 posts, read 2,257,924 times
Originally Posted by thelambofdeth
So I'm pretty ugly with terribly low self-esteem and anxiety and haven't had any real action or a relationship with a woman in ages. But I'm tall, in great shape and I dress like reallywell. I'm not bragging, it's just my fashion sense is like the only thing I really appreciate about myself. I'll be at a bar and random guys will literally just walk up and tell me how cool I like or how I should be in movies, ask me am I a musician or a artist, w/e. Women hardly notice and when they do they're either not attractive or they're a friend's significant other.
That's just a backdrop, anyway, last week a friend and I went to the bar and sat at this booth, and I noticed this chick staring at me. And I don't mean small glances here and there and subsequently looking away, she was just literally staring at me. I would look away and look back and she was just....still staring with the slightest smile. I asked my friend if it was just me, confirmed she was blatantly just staring at me. It got the the point I just had to get up leave to the other side of the bar bc it was awkward af. She was actually pretty cute, but she was there with a Like, even later as we walked by her later my friend said she gave me a head to toe look again....just weird.
I guess my question is, why stare at someone like that? Like I said, I dress really well so I'm used to be appreciating my clothes, but to literally stare at someone while you're with someone else? That's how I know she wasn't actually interested in me, bc she was there with someone else. Was she just trying to make him jealous? Or maybe just drunk? Or a total turbo sl#t I guess.....
Well, getting up and escaping to the other side of the bar (yech) isn't what you should've done.
If there's ever a next time, just wink and smirk, then go back to your regular mug. Don't repeat it again for her. Just continue having a great time with your buds. In fact, don't even look her way the rest of the night.
Let me preface what I'm about to tell you as 'Plan 1A.'
Prior to going out, you go to an ATM. Pick up a bunch of receipts that people have tossed on the ground. Look for a couple receipts with a high balance (quarter million or better.) They're all over. Anyway, if you ever get to where you want a girl's #, instead of asking for her #, you offer to give her your #. You write your number on the back of the ATM receipt, and give it to her. You make NO mention that it's your receipt. She'll presume it is. Once she turns the receipt over, and notices the balance, YOU'LL GET A CALL!
Plan 2A is 'What to do when she calls...'
You're welcome....