Best Dating Site For People With Disabiities In 2019

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KOSOVA Y. A. ACCESSIBILITY OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES IN NORMS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW. In: Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie: XXI vek [Lifelong Education: the XXI century]. 2020. № 3 (31). DOI: 10.15393/

Issue 3 (31)

Education Management in an open global society


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Best Dating Site For People With Disabiities In 2019
international law
human rights
disabled people
accessibility of education
educational services
Abstract: the paper presents a review of international legislation in the field of protecting the rights of people with special needs to accessible education (a total of 60 texts analyzed). It was found that the issues of the rights and freedoms of people with disabilities are worked out in detail in the international law documents. The right to education and its accessibility is protected. The general direction of «equal opportunities» and «full participation» is sustained. The legal procedures to regulate the accessibility of educational services for everyone have been introduced. The need for developing national web accessibility policies and standards has been identified. One of the main obstacles to the full realization of the rights and freedoms of people with disabilities is the lack of readiness of States parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006) to ratify the Optional Protocol regulating legal liability for direct and indirect discrimination on the basis of disability. It is necessary to bring the legal bases of the participating States in line with the norms of the Convention, that is, to provide state guarantees of legal protection of people with disabilities in all areas, including education and training.
Paper submitted on: 06/02/2020; Accepted on: 08/15/2020; Published online on: 09/25/2020.

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Best Dating Site For People With Disabiities In 2019


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